
The Taste of Chlorine, in hard water, Welcome to Spain

 Water can be a problem in Spain, I can say this from my own experience. If you are lucky to live in an area where the water is reasonably soft it is all a triumph, but that is not the normal case.
I have lived in various areas in Spain, and the main problem that I have found is the hardness of the water. Let’s not talk about the taste, of chorine, or chock. This normally occurs in the south. That doesn’t mean that you can’t drink it, because it is potable unless you are getting it from a rural well that is not, and not advisable to consume.

 If you live in the interior areas you will know what I am talking about, the life of your washing machine is short, it end up bung up with cal, and looking like a cave. The segments turn white, the drum doesn’t spin because it’s solidified. The taps turn hard to turn, your pots and pans just don’t shine, and there is no bubbles is the kids baths or in the washing!!!
There is all sorts of old house wife’s remedies like pour 5 liters of white bleach at 90 degrees, in your washing machine or the vinegar trick, but that’s just a temporary solution it works for a couple of washes, then you are back to square one, after wasting water and electricity. I know because I have done it. And at the end I have had to buy a new one.

In certain parts of Malaga, the water taste like swimming pool water full of chorine, and sometimes it comes out of the tap very cloudy nothing attractive to drink, so the first thing we do is go down to the super market and buy hundreds bottles of mineral water, and fill the half the kitchen space of plastic water bottles!!!.
Now, if you add up all the old house wife’s remedies, plastic bottles costs;  you could actually go on a good holiday, if you had an option to save at least half the expense, and let’s not forget caring these bottles of water!!!. And your back ache and medical invoices!!!.
Well I discovered a way of saving money when I installed my decalcifier and my tap water treatment of Inverse Osmosis. And apart of saving money I had more quality time and the water quality improved 100 %, it tasted like pure spring water and came out of my kitchen tap.
 My new Kettle after a week was still clean, no cal, and I my washing smelt, like Ariel, and lets no talk about colors or the tact of the fabrics or the amount of detergent required, so basically,  a lot less so you are saving there, you save time in going to the shops to get plastic bottles of water and you are not contaminating your environment.
If I was you I would have a little think about it.                                                                                                                        In my case found a official installer, that spoke English, That means a Guaranty.  First they came did a analysis that is COMPLETELY FREE, there you can see what is in your water, you are going to be quite surprised.
 They advise you the kind of treatment you need, because not all the areas are the same, my sister , for example, lives in an area where the water is soft so she just got the Inverse Osmosis treatment for tap water, that lives under her sink, occupying a minimum space, she a lucky one!!. Not like me that I had stalactites come out of the tap and inhabiting my Dishwasher. My Descalsifier lives in my garage, but there is a smaller version, for apartment as they informed me.
There are estimates that will fit to any budged, they will give you one with no compromise.      In any case, just calculate how many bottles of water you buy a year, plus the petrol you use, and the time you are wasting in going there and coming back, and it is really worth it. Because you will be saving up to a 80% of cash, if you don’t believe me get the calculator out and add up the costs, you will see for yourself that it is true!!

If you want more info about prices, or just out of curiosity send me an email to Aquathrue@gmail.com.  

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